Jul 14, 2011

hayley eileen

i can't even begin to describe how much i love this girl. she is a true friend, a lover, a comforter, a thinker, a dancer, and just positively adorable. i don't know how it happens that all my friends are amazing models, but hayley is no exception. i just can't get enough of her lovely face!


  1. These are gorgeous! The colors are fantastic! My favorites are 9, 11, and 12. I love them all, but those are my favorites :) I totally wish my friends didn't mind me posting their pictures on my blog! I need to find some new models :)


  2. Umm, that dress is incredible. Where can I get one?? These are lovely and so is she!!

  3. All of these pictures are super cute, Molly!!!

  4. Brianna says these are so great :) You do a beautiful job Molly !
