Aug 9, 2011

cheryl kaye & a small announcement

ok, announcement first.
i just wanted to let you all know that i am leaving for italy on august 12th and will be gone for three weeks. this is going to be such an amazing adventure and i am crazy excited! however, this means that i will not be blogging regularly for awhile. but i promise to bring back tons of pictures to show you later, so stay tuned! also, i will probably not be answering email and facebook messages regularly either, so if you are trying to contact me please be patient and i apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
now, on to the good stuff!
a couple weeks ago i got to do a just-for-fun shoot with my fellow photogs elizabeth and raven. the loveable ck agreed to model for us. it was sooo hooooot that day! but we had a total blast anyway and cooled of at cherry berry afterward. :)
here are some of the lovely results.
ps - thank you for being such a patient and fabulous model ck! i love you!!!

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